Add record(s) from file(s)

Drag and drop files to create records


In certain tables, the record you create serves as a file container, enabling simultaneous file upload and record creation. The uploaded files will be automatically inserted into the record's sections or notes. Additionally, this method allows for effortless migration of existing files to Labii with just a single click, streamlining your file management process.

To enhance user experience, this function has been updated with a stepper and is now exclusively accessible from the table list view. Please note that it is no longer available from the side menu or project list view, and can only be accessed through the table list view for simplified usage.

How to use

  1. Access Table List View: Click on a table name in the side menu to enter the list view.

  2. Initiate File Upload: Click the "Add" dropdown and select "Add from uploading files".

  3. Select Files: Choose one or more files to upload from your device.

  4. Configure File Placement: Determine where to store the files:

    1. Existing section or create a new one

    2. Store all files in one record or create a separate record for each file

    3. Note: Currently, only the Files widget is supported, but you can also add other table fields.

  5. Process File Upload: Based on your configuration, the system will upload the files.

  6. Review and Confirm: Verify that your files have been uploaded successfully.

Last updated