Column Widgets

Column widgets in Labii serve as powerful tools for structuring and managing data, offering a range of advanced functionalities beyond conventional data types.


Column widgets in Labii serve as powerful tools for structuring and managing data, offering a range of advanced functionalities beyond conventional data types. These widgets are designed to organize information in columns, providing researchers with customizable options to attach functions and streamline their data organization process. These widgets empower scientists to efficiently capture, organize, and document their scientific discoveries with precision and ease, enhancing the accuracy and accessibility of their research findings within Labii's platform.


A column widget is closely linked to a column. Please refer to this resource for guidance on adding a new column and updating configurations.


The column widget can exhibit varying displays under different conditions, referred to as views. Typically, there are three available views for column widgets:

  1. Form view - The widget appears as a form field within a specific form when adding a new record.

  2. Edit view - Labii also permits you to modify the value of a column after it has been created. Upon clicking, the widget presents as a single form field for editing.

  3. Readonly view - The default display mode for the value upon creation is the readonly view.


Certain widgets come with tailored configurations that allow you to adjust them according to your particular requirements. These adjustments can be made under Columns -> Configuration. The configuration interface differs from one widget to another, so please consult each widget's documentation for guidance on setting up configurations.

It's important to note that configuration is not mandatory for all widgets. While some widgets operate without the need for additional setup, others may function by default but can be enhanced through configuration. Conversely, certain widgets require configuration to function properly.

Actions Buttons

A column widget will display different action buttons depending on its requirements. They are usually displayed as icons in the list view, and buttons in the detail view. Most action buttons are hidden when you only have read-only permission.


A column widget usually comes with an Edit button that enables you to update its value


Widgets that allow additional configuration will also show the Configure button. The Configure button is only available to administrators.

Other actions

Additional action buttons may appear based on the specific requirements for each column widget.

Default value

The default value of the column can be provided in order to get the value filled. The format of the default value should be identical to the format of the import value of the column.

Import value

Data input from the import sheet is supported by some widgets. Check out each widget's specifications to learn how to prepare values.

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