Display sensitive value as ***
Last updated
Display sensitive value as ***
Last updated
Label | Value |
The Secret widget is a privacy-focused user interface element that allows users to input text data while concealing its actual content with a series of asterisks, like "******". This widget is instrumental in safeguarding sensitive information, ensuring that confidential data, such as passwords or personal identification numbers (PINs), remains hidden from view.
Use this widget to collect password information.
Use this widget to collect pricing or salary information.
No configuration required.
See the interface of the widget in the following views.
Readonly view display the values of the column.
To display the actual data, click the Show data button.
The Edit view is the interface that allows you to modify the value.
Under the Edit view, you can also generate a random password by clicking Generate password button.
The Form view is the field integrated into the add form for collecting values when creating a new record.
The Form view is same as the Edit view.
Each widget in Labii stores data in a unique manner; refer below to understand how data from this widget is stored.
The Default Value field within the column allows you to specify the default value when a record is created.
Default value can be any text.
The Import Value is the value you need to include in your Excel table for it to be imported into Labii.
Import value can be any text.
1.0.0 (updated on 2021-09-17)
Labii Inc.
Support Configuration
Support Readonly view
Support Edit view
Support Form view
Support Default value
Support Import
Allow multiple