Flowcharts represent processes, algorithms, or step-by-step solutions graphically.
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Flowcharts represent processes, algorithms, or step-by-step solutions graphically.
Last updated
A Flowchart is a graphically representation of the process, algorithm or the step-by-step solution of the problem. The Flowchart widget replaces and improves the previous Workflow widget.
In contrast to the previous Workflow widget, which was dependent on workflow settings, the Flowchart is independent and can manage different steps.
Flowchart can be used via the following procedures:
Create steps
Build flowchart diagram from the steps
Complete each step.
Use this widget to manage purchase workflow
Use this widget to manage the sample receiving workflow
In the Flowchart diagram, each box represents a step. To manage a list of steps, click Manage steps or Add step.
Additionally, you can save the steps and have them loaded automatically on new records by using the Save as default function.
A step contains the following fields:
Name - Name of the step, use letters and number only
Description - the description of the step, or instructions
Parent - the parent of the step. Choose a step from the previous workflow to connect two workflows
Shape - The shape of the node. Learn more at https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/flowchart?id=node-shapes
Color - the color of the box
Condition - the condition leads to the current step, letters, and numbers only. The condition will be added to the arrow between two boxes in the diagram.
Redirect To - redirect back to a previous step, this can be used to create a repeat loop
Redirect To Text - The text to describe the redirect to action. Default to 'Redirect to'.
Action - the action to complete the step. You can create more than one actions.
Name - Name of the action
Icon - The icon of the action
Action - The action to perform
Parameters - Additional parameters to provide
Protocol - the protocol to guide the step. This protocol can be any record created and will be included in the box.
Click Add step button to add a new step. Click Manage steps first if you don't see the Add step button.
Click Edit button of a step to edit a step.
Click Delete button of a step to remove a step.
Drag and drop the move icon to move a step upward or downward.
The following is a list of supported actions.
OPENSECTION, Open a section in the new tab.
EXECUTEWORKFLOW, Execute a workflow.
Use case:
Open a link:
{'action': 'OPENLINK', 'parameters': 'https://www.xxx.com'}
Open a Gmail:
{'action': 'OPENLINK', 'parameters': 'https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&to=someone@example.com&su=SUBJECT&body=BODY&bcc=someone.else@example.com'}
Open form to create a new sample:
{'action': 'OPENLINK', 'parameters': '/form/rows/experiments/0/?d0RLUmZpZWxkc19kaXNhYmxlZHlIUVo_=is_archived'}
Add an notification:
{'action': 'OPENLINK', 'parameters': '/form/settings/notifications/0/?d0RLUmZpZWxkc19kaXNhYmxlZHlIUVo_=is_archived'}
Execute a workflow (create 5 vials):
{'action': 'EXECUTEWORKFLOW', 'parameters': 'ehkn0a40x1glqvAFKP'}
To view the flowchart diagram, click Show diagram. Follow the diagram to work on and complete each step.
You can build a flowchart from the steps by clicking the Build flowchart button. If you have updated the steps, you can also click the button to rebuild the diagram.
To view the details of a step, click the box in the flowchart diagram. A card will display the details of the step.
Click Prev or Next button to navigate between previous step and the next steps.
To complete a step, click the Complete button on the step card. In the diagram, the completed step is also shown in green. The user information and DateTime will be directly documented. Following completion, the next steps will be displayed.
Click the Undo button to undo the completion.
The step card will display an action button for each step action configured. To perform the step action, click the button.
Diagrams and step cards can be configured to display at a specific width. To update the settings, click Configure.
Width - The width of the workflow chart. 6/12 means 50% of total width.
Should disable actions if step not current - Check this box to prevent proceeding to other steps until the current step is completed.