Search query
Advanced search query.
In URLs, query parameters are defined sets of parameters. By using them, you can define specific content or actions based on the data being passed.
A search query is used in Labii to limit the search results, apply filters, and integrate into many widgets.
Query format
A query contains the following parts:
Query expression
Here are list of supported expressions:
contains: Returns results that match the provided value, case sensitive.
not_contains: Returns results that does not match the provided value, case sensitive.
icontains: Returns results that match the provided value, regardless of case.
not_icontains: Returns results that does not match the provided value, regardless of case.
jcontains: Returns results that match the provided value with a JSON field.
not_jcontains: Returns results that does not match the provided value with a JSON field.
acontains: Returns results that a comma-separated list of values exists within a JSON array field.
asimilarity: Retrieve results that exceed a specified similarity percentage by comparing a JSON field in the model with a comma-separated input string.
asimilarity_65: Returns results with over 65% similarity between a JSON field in the model and a comma-separated input string.
asimilarity_75: Returns results with over 75% similarity between a JSON field in the model and a comma-separated input string.
asimilarity_85: Returns results with over 85% similarity between a JSON field in the model and a comma-separated input string.
asimilarity_95: Returns results with over 95% similarity between a JSON field in the model and a comma-separated input string.
gt: Returns results that is greater than the provided value.
gte: Returns results that is greater than or equal to the provided value.
lt: Returns results that is less than the provided value.
lte: Returns results that is less than or equal to the provided value.
int: Convert the database value into integer
asdate: Convert the database value into a date object
asstring: Convert the database value into a string
ne: Returns results that does not equal to the provided value.
Multiple expressions can be chained together with "__":
Query by multiple fields
Use &
to connect the queries for multiple fields.
Filter in JSON objects
contains a string in value:
not contain a string in value:
contains a key:
contains an object:
not contains an object:
Filter by a filter set:
, wherein a filter set:AND relationship shall be expressed in a JSON object, separate by a comma:
{"name__icontains":"test", "is_archived":false}
AND relationship expressed in JSON array: {
"and": [{"name__icontains":"test"}, {"is_archived":false}]}
OR relationship shall be expressed in an array:
{"or": [{"name__icontains":"test"}, {"is_archived":false}]}
Filter by multiple filter set:
Filter by json query, the query is same to the filter set:
jquery={"or": [{sid:aa,data:bb}, {sid:aa,data:bb}]}
jquery={"and": [{sid:aa,data:bb}, {sid:aa,data:bb}]}
Since the database JSON field no longer supports the Array data. We have updated ["or", {sid:aa,data:bb}, {sid:aa,data:bb}] to {"or": [{sid:aa,data:bb}, {sid:aa,data:bb}]}
All unsigned experiments:
All unfinished experiments (Experiments in which at least one signer has not signed):
Sign but unfinished experiments (Signed experiments with at least one unsigned witnesses):
Last updated