
Generate report chart


Labii had a statistical function that helps you gain insights into the records you created. You can see the number of records based on the projects, the tables, the personnel, as well as the particular time range.

There was a Filter Summary widget to provide a summary of a Filter.

This Report widget is updated from the old Filter Summary widget. It provides:

  1. Count Summary of a Filter as the Filter Summary widget do

  2. Covers all the features from the previous statistical function, provides the number of records based on the projects, the tables, the personnel, as well as the particular time range

  3. Supports any specific search queries

  4. Support the aggregating (Sum and Average) of a particular column

How to use

The Report as a widget can be added as described here.

Click the "edit" icon to configure. The configuration has two parts of the form:

Build query

The Report widget uses the API query to limit the report results. You can either enter a query directly or use the following fields to build a query.

  • Tables - select one or more tables to limit where the data come from. Leave it empty to include all tables. Select only one table if:

    • You need to specify the results from a filter. The filters are table-specific and contain their own queries.

    • When you need to display the "Sum of column data" or "Average of column data".

  • Filter - select a filter to limit the results. Only available when one table is selected.

  • Projects - select one or more tables to specify the projects of the data. Leave it empty to include all projects.

  • Personnel - select one or more members to limit the author of the records. Leave it empty to include the data from everyone.

  • State Date - set the start date, only the records created after this date will be included.

  • End Date - set the end date, only the records created before this date will be included.

  • Query - the final query to be used. Leave it empty to include everything.

Build Chart

The parameters of a chart can be updated in this section.

  • Group by - how do you want to group the data

    • Projects - data is grouped by the projects. Use this option to compare the data among different projects.

    • Tables - data is grouped by the tables. Use this option to show a summary of records across different tables.

    • Personnel - data is grouped by members. Use this option to compare the data generated by different personnel.

    • Date - data is grouped by date. Use this option to compare the records at different times.

      • Time Unit - the unit of the date

        • Days

        • Weeks

        • Months

        • Years

      • Time Range - How long do you want to segment the records?

    • Column

  • Value - what does the value represent

    • Row count - the value represents the number of rows

    • Sum of a column - the value represents the sum value of a particular Number column.

      • Column to aggregate

    • Average of a column - the value represents the average value of a particular Number column.

      • Column to aggregate

Build Chart

Once the chart parameters have been configured, a new chart can be built. To do that, click BUILD CHART button.

Chart types

Four types of charts are supported:

  • Bar

  • Line

  • Area

  • Pie

Select a chart option to change the chart type.

Download data

The source chart data can be downloaded by clicking the DOWNLOAD button.

Last updated