Storage Map

Display a comprehensive map view of stored items and their corresponding physical locations


The Storage Map widget offers a visual representation of a storage facility, providing a comprehensive map view of stored items and their corresponding physical locations. This innovative widget enables users to easily identify and manage stored items by displaying detailed information on what is stored at specific coordinates, streamlining inventory management and organization.

Use case

  • display the layout of a storage with detail items inside.


In order for the widget to function properly, a few columns must be provided.

  • Column (Number of rows) - Choose the column (Number of rows) of the storage table.

  • Column (Number of columns) - Choose the column (Number of columns) of the storage table.

  • Column (Should transpose header) - Choose the column (Should transpose header) of the storage table.

  • Should display name - If you would like to include the record name in the map, please check this box

  • Should reverse vertical display order - If you would like to display the vertical order in reverse, please check this box.


The Storage Map widget displays a 2D grid, resembling a table with:

  • Column headers labeled with letters (e.g., A, B, C)

  • Row headers labeled with numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3)

  • Each cell identified by a coordinate value (e.g., "A1", "B2", "C3")

Cells containing stored items will display as clickable links. To utilize the Storage Map, simply:

  1. Map your storage space into a table with a fixed number of columns and rows.

  2. Assign physical items to each cell.

Note: The default layout follows the traditional Excel format, where columns are labeled with letters and rows are numbered. However, you can customize the layout to suit your needs, such as using numbers as column headers by enabling the should_transpose_header option, commonly used in well-plates like the 96 well-plate.


Any existing records (samples and reagents) can be assigned to the storage. To do that:

  1. From the Storage Map, click an empty cell/well.

  2. Once clicked, the Assign to XX button will be available to click. Click the button.

  3. Select one or more records to assign from the Pop out window.

  4. Click Submit button.

List view

By clicking the List view button, you can see a list of the items stored in your storage.


The items stored in the storage can be downloaded by clicking the Download button. It is possible to download them either as a map or as a list.

Last updated