
View, edit, create spreadsheet


Labii ELN & LIMS provides a list of widgets to provide Excel-like functions to Electronic Lab Notebook. Please choose a widget that meets your needs. SpreadJS Table is recommended because it has all features of other widgets.

Widget comparison

Data import

The table widget supports data import *.xlsx, *.tsv, *.csv. Simply drag and drop a file to the widget and the content of the file will be loaded into the table.

SpreadJS Table

SpreadJS is developed by GrapeCity that Deliver True Excel-Like spreadsheet experiences. This widget enables you to import, modify and export your most complex Excel .xlsx spreadsheets. SpreadJS offers the most complete Excel-like experience, including tables, charts, shapes, sparklines, conditional formatting, filtering, and an extensive library with no Excel dependencies to create the most advanced data visualizations.


  • Open *.xlsx, *.tsv, *.csv to import

  • Download as *.xlsx

  • Print as *.pdf

  • Font

    • Font family

    • Font size

    • Bold

    • Italic

    • Underline

    • Strikethrough

    • Font color

    • Background color

    • Clear Format

  • Align

    • Align left

    • Align center

    • Align right

    • Vertical bottom

    • Vertical center

    • Vertical top

  • Word wrap

  • Borders

    • Borders

    • Border color

    • Border style

  • Merge cells

  • Freeze rows/columns

  • Format

    • Format

    • Decrease decimal places

    • Increase decimal places

  • Chart


Xspreadsheet is another Excel-like Spreadsheet widget. It supports some basic text formatting and also supports multiple sheets.


  • Undo & Redo

  • Paint format

  • Clear format

  • Format

  • Font

  • Font size

  • Font bold

  • Font italic

  • Underline

  • Strike

  • Text color

  • Fill color

  • Borders

  • Merge cells

  • Align

  • Text wrapping

  • Freeze cell

  • Functions

  • Resize row-height, col-width

  • Copy, Cut, Paste

  • Autofill

  • Insert row, column

  • Delete row, column

  • hide row, column

  • multiple sheets

  • print

  • Data validations


The ej2-Spreadsheet is a user-interactive component to organize and analyze data in tabular format with configuration options for customization. The populated data can be exported as Excel with *.xlsx, *.xls, and *.csv formats.


  • Data sources: Bind the spreadsheet component with an array of JavaScript objects or DataManager.

  • Virtualization: Provides the option to load a large amount of data without performance degradation.

  • Selection: Provides the option to select a cell or range of cells.

  • Editing: Provides the options to dynamically edit a cell.

  • Formulas: Provides a built-in calculation library with predefined formulas and named range support.

  • Clipboard: Provides the option to perform clipboard operations.

  • Cell formatting: Provides the option to customize the appearance of cells.

  • Number formatting: Provides the option to format the cell value.

  • Open: Provides the option to open an excel file in a spreadsheet.

  • Save: Provides the option to save spreadsheet data as an excel file.

  • Sorting: Helps you to arrange the data to a particular order in a selected range of cells.

  • Filtering: Helps you to view specific rows in the spreadsheet by hiding the other rows.

  • Undo Redo: Provides the option to perform undo-redo operations in a spreadsheet.

  • Collaborative Editing: Provides the option for real-time changes across multiple users in the Spreadsheet.

  • Hyperlink: Provides the option to navigate the web links or cell reference within the sheet or to other sheets in the spreadsheet.

  • Resize: Allows you to change the row height and column width. Autofit the rows and columns based on their content.

  • Wrap text: Provides the option to display the large content as multiple lines in a single cell.

  • Data validation: Provides the option to validate edited values based on data validation rules defined for a cell or range of cells.

  • Find and Replace: Provides the option to find the data and replace it across all the sheets in the Spreadsheet.

  • Protect sheet: Provides the option to restrict user actions like cell editing, row, and column insertion, deletion, and resizing.

  • Borders: Provides the option to customize cell gridlines such as color and its style for enhanced UI.

  • Show/Hide: Provides the option to show/hide the rows, columns, and sheets.

  • Insert/delete: Provides the option to insert/delete the rows, columns, and sheets.

  • Merge cells: Provides the option to can combine two or more cells located in the same row or column into a single cell.

  • Conditional formatting: Provides the option to format a cell or range of cells based on the conditions applied.

  • Clear: Provides the option to clear the content, formats, and hyperlinks applied to a cell or range of cells in a spreadsheet.

  • Aggregates: Provides the option to check the sum, average, and count for the selected cells or range in the sheet tab.

  • Picture: Allows you to view, insert, and modify a picture in a spreadsheet with customizing options.

  • Multi-line editing: Allows you to insert a line break between paragraphs of the text within a cell in a Spreadsheet.

  • Range selection helper: Helps you to select a range or multiple ranges when editing a formula in a cell.

  • RTL: Provides right-to-left mode which aligns content in the spreadsheet component from right to left.

  • Localization: Provides inherent support to localize the UI.

  • Accessibility: Provides with built-in accessibility support which helps to access all the spreadsheet component features through the keyboard, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.


jExcel provides exactly the same layout to the HandsonTable. jExcel has plenty of different input options through its native column types to cover the most common web-based application requirements. It is a complete solution for your tabular data management.


Luckysheet is an online spreadsheet like excel that is powerful, simple to configure, and completely open source.


  • Formatting: style, conditional formatting, text alignment and rotation, text truncation, overflow, automatic line wrapping, multiple data types, cell segmentation style

  • Cells: drag and drop, fill handle, multiple selection, find and replace, location, merge cells, data verification

  • Row & column: hide, insert, delete rows or columns, freeze, and split text

  • Operation: undo, redo, copy, paste, cut, hot key, format painter, drag and drop selection

  • Formulas & Functions: Built-in, remote and custom formulas

  • Tables: filter, sort

  • Enhanced functions: Pivot tables, charts, comments, cooperative editing, insert picture, matrix calculations, screenshots, copying to other formats, EXCEL import and export, etc.


Handsontable is a JavaScript data grid component for web applications.

The widget will not be supported because of the licensing issues. The function of HandsonTable is replaced with jExcel.

Please let us know if you still want to use this widget.

  1. Headers - Adds rows or column headings to the spreadsheet.

  2. Row/Column Resize - Allows manual modification of row or column sizes. The sizing handle appears in the right part of the column header or at the bottom of the row header.

  3. Row/Column Move - Allows manual swapping of rows or columns within the table. The moving handle appears in the left part of the column header or at the top of the row header.

  4. Conditional Formatting - Defines how the specific cells are formatted depending on the content.

  5. Context Menu - Opens a pop-up menu that provides a list of items to choose. Right-click anywhere inside the table to open the context menu.

  6. Filters - Allows the addition of criteria to display only specific rows while hiding others. Available from the dropdown menu in the header.

  7. Dropdown Menu - Allows the creation of a dropdown menu, available in the column headers.

Formula support

Labii ELN & LIMS supports Formulas to process formula expressions defined in the provided data.


  • Any numbers, negative and positive as float or integer;

  • Arithmetic operations such as: +, -, /, *, %, ^;

  • Logical operations such as: AND(), OR(), NOT(), XOR();

  • Comparison operations such as: =, >, >=, <, <=, <>;

  • All JavaScript Math constants such as: PI(), E(), LN10(), LN2(), LOG10E(), LOG2E(), SQRT1_2(), SQRT2();

  • Error handling: #DIV/0!, #ERROR!, #VALUE!, #REF!, #NAME?, #N/A, #NUM!;

  • String operations such as: & (concatenation eq. =-(2&5) will return -25);

  • Relative and absolute cell references such as: A1, $A1, A$1, $A$1;

  • Build-in variables such as: TRUE, FALSE, NULL;

  • Custom variables;

  • Nested functions;

  • Dynamic updates.

Known limitations:

  • Not working with filtering and column sorting;

  • Not working with trimming rows.

Last updated