
Variables are the terms employed to substitute specific values within the parameters.


Labii variables serve as placeholders used to replace specific values within parameters, offering a dynamic and adaptable approach to data management and customization. These variables enable the convenient substitution of particular values with placeholders, streamlining processes and facilitating the automation of repetitive tasks within the Labii platform. By employing variables, users can create templates or configurations that accommodate various scenarios, allowing for swift adjustments and efficient handling of diverse data sets without the need for manual reconfiguration. This versatility empowers users to create more flexible and responsive systems, enhancing productivity and adaptability within Labii's framework.


  • Record Properties

    • {{SID}} - The SID of the current record.

    • {{UID}} - The UID of the current record.

    • {{NAME}} - The name of the current record.

    • {{DESCRIPTION}} - The description of the current record.

    • {{PROJECTS}} - The projects data of current record.

    • {{OWNER.SID}} - The SID of the owner.

    • {{OWNER.NAME}} - The owner of current record.

    • {{DATECREATED}} - The date created of the current record.

  • URL

    • {{URL}} - The current URL.

    • {{DOMAINFRONTEND}} - The current Domain.

  • Date

    • {{TODAY}} - Today's date in the format or "YYYY-MM-DD"

    • {{CURRENT:<FORMAT>}} - The current date time with the provided format

    • {{[+/-][#][DAY/WEEK/MONTH/YEAR]:<FORMAT>}} for a certain date before/after current date.

      • The <FORMAT> is optional, default to YYYY-MM-DD. For example, '{{-5WEEK}}' for 5 weeks ago in the format of YYYY-MM-DD.

      • Javascript, use the format from the momentjs:

      • Python, currently the format is not supported.

  • Column

    • {{[COLUMN_SID]}} - Column values can be returned by using the SID of a column. For example {{nqtw0a40x1d58puzEJOTY}}

    • {{[COLUMN_SID]:<CODE>}} - Column values can be returned by using the sid of a column and further processed with an inline Javascript script.

      • In Javascript, the <CODE> can be any javascript code. For example {{nqtw0a40x1d58puzEJOTY:parseInt(data)}}

      • In Python, the <CODE> can only be the keys of dictionary separated by ".". For example: {{nqtw0a40x1d58puzEJOTY:user.sid}}

  • User

    • {{USER.SID}} - The Personnel SID of the user.

    • {{USER.NAME}} - The Name of the user.

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