
Provides the detail content of the record

An experiment is carefully divided into many sections in Labii Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) to better control the workflow.

Section views display the sections within a record. Each section holds specific data, and a specific widget is used to display and edit the data.

A section view enables a company or organization to define the sections that researchers should follow. They help keep notes and contents organized.

As a comparison, the notes view allows researchers to enter data in timeline order, and the results generated are more casual.

Open sections view

Similar to the columns view, the sections view can be accessed by simply clicking on the "Sections" tab when a record is opened.

Action buttons

On the top of the sections tab are action buttons:

  • Add section. Add a new section at the bottom of the page with this button.

  • Add default section. Add a predefined default section.

  • Actions:

    • Set as default view. Set the Sections as default view.

    • Expand/Collapse All. Expand or collapse all sections.

Section layout

Each section is a wrapper for a small software application, or widget in Labii. With widgets, you can insert different types of data for a record. There is no limit to the number of sections you can add. A section has a header, body, and footer.

Section header

A section header displays the section name and the icons for controlling it. The section details can also be collapsed or expanded by clicking the header. From left to right:

  • A "drag" icon to change the section order.

  • The icon can be moved up or down in order to change the section order.

  • Numeric value of the section order.

  • The name of the section

  • The "Comments" trigger button

  • Use the "actions" or "more" icon to perform additional actions related to that section.

Section description

The section description now supports Rich Text, enabling restricted text mode that allows users to modify text solely within predefined areas. This feature is particularly useful for steps requiring adherence to specific guidelines for result collection, as these guidelines can be conveniently provided within the section description.

Section body

Depending on what widget the section uses, the interface will vary greatly. You can find the usage of each widget here.

The CKEditor widget, for example, can be used to edit rich text.

A widget usually comes with a read-only interface and an editable interface. The read-only interface displays the defined value. The editable interface lets you change values or configure the widget. You can switch from the readonly interface to the edit interface by clicking the "Edit" button.

Different widgets also open different interfaces by default. CKEditor widget, for example, opens the Edit interface by default, so you can update text data more quickly. Signature widgets, however, show a list of signers in a read-only interface by default.

The section footer displays the widget and version of the widget for the section. It also displays the user and the time when the section was updated.

Add section

To add a section, you need to select a widget first.

  1. Click the "+ Section" button \

  2. Select a featured widget from the dropdown list

  3. You will see a pop-up window where you can provide additional information about the section. Provide the section name and description.

  4. Click Submit to add a section

  5. Labii comes with more than 100 widgets; to add one not found in the dropdown list, select "More widgets"

  6. To continue, select a widget

    1. Click a category or subcategory to see all widgets within that category. To load more widgets, click Load More. By default, only the top 10 widgets are displayed. By clicking the load more button, you will load a second page (another ten widgets).

    2. You can also type in any text to find a widget.

  7. After selecting a widget, follow steps 3 and 4 above to create a new section

Section comments

Labii's section comments function is a feature that allows users to add comments to specific sections within a record. It is designed to facilitate collaboration and communication among team members or stakeholders who are working on the same project or document.

When using Labii's section comments function, users can select a particular section of a document or project and leave comments related to that section. These comments serve as a way to provide feedback, ask questions, or engage in discussions specific to that section of content.

Display Comments

To view comments, simply click the "Comments" button located in the section header.

Add a Comment

To contribute a comment, enter your text in the designated text area and press enter to submit.

Delete Comment

If you wish to delete a comment, click the corresponding "Delete" button associated with that specific comment.

Hide Comments

To hide the comments section, click the "Hide comments" button.

Section actions

In the "actions" menu, you can update the detail of a section. Click the "actions" icon to open a dropdown menu.

Open section

Using the open section feature, you can open the section in a new tab.

You can print the data of the current section by clicking the print section button.

Insert section

To insert a new section above the current section, utilize the "Insert section" function.

Edit section

Select the Edit Section to edit the section name. The name and description of the section can be updated.

Archive section

To discard or hide the section, select the Archive section to hide the section.

Your data will not be lost. It can be found in the version history.

Load data from section

By using the Load data from section button, you can copy data from a section that has already been created. Only sections using the same widget can be loaded.

Load default section data

Likewise, you have the option to utilize the "Load default section data" feature, enabling you to import data from the default section that has been incorporated into the table. This function is primarily employed when working with optimized sections where updated settings need to be loaded.

Save default section data

The default value of a section can be saved and reused to avoid configuring certain widgets repeatedly. If the default section value is saved, it will be loaded automatically when a new section is created.

The data saved are specific to the Table, Widget, and Section Name.

Labii provides 4 levels of default data:

  1. Personal level (Save as my default), for your personal preference.

  2. Project level (Save as project default), specific to a project.

  3. Organization level (Save as organization default), specific to your organization.

  4. Table level (Save as table default), specific to the table. If you click the save as table default button, a default section will be created for the table. The action will update the existing section if the section already exists (use the same section name and widget).

The data will be used in order.

  1. If the personal default data is saved, it will be used first.

  2. If the personal default data is not available, then the project default data will be used.

  3. If both personal default data and project default data are not available, then the organization default data will be used.

  4. If none of the above default data is available, the table default data will be used.

Only the project managers can save the project default data.

Only the administrators can save the organization's default data.

Example usage:

If you need to set up the signers for all of your experiments, save the settings of authors, witnesses, at your personal level. Then the same configuration will be added automatically.

  1. Create a section named "Signatures", choose the widget "Signatures".

  2. Add the authors and witnesses.

  3. Click "Save as my default"

  4. In the new experiment, when you create a section "Signatures" with the widget "Signatures", the same settings will be added directly.

Collapse content

The content of the section can be collapse and expand by clicking the section header.

Change order

The order of the section can be changed by dragging the section header.

Create support ticket

Use this function to report problems or provide feedback on the widget/section. Click the “ menu icon” located on the top right of each section" and select "Create support ticket" from the list of options.

Open documentation

You can find the help documentation on how to use the widget at this link. By clicking the “Open documentation”, it will open a documentation link.

Last updated