Manage and create columns
A column is a set of data values of a particularly type, one for each row of the table. With Labii, you can customize the fields of a table with columns. Column widgets are used to specify data types.
List of columns
Each table has its own columns. Open a table and click the Columns tab to view the list of columns.
Search columns
You can search columns by typing a keyword into the search bar in the columns list view, and then clicking Search. The search results can always be cleared by clicking the Clear button.
Filter columns
With the Filter function, you can limit the number of columns displayed. You can do that by clicking Active columns and then selecting a filter from the dropdown. Here are a list of filters:
All columns. Filter to display all columns of the table.
Active columns. Filter to display the active columns.
Archived columns. Filter to display the archived columns.
Required columns. Filter to display a list of required columns.
Optional columns. Filter to display a list of optional columns.
Hidden columns. Filter to display a list of columns that are hidden at the list view.
Visible columns. Filter to display a list of columns that are visible at the list view.
Column detail
Click a column name to see full detail of a column.
Column fields
Name - The name of the column
Description - Provide a description of the column and all other necessary information to help others in the same organization to fill out
Order - required field; the order to display the column, numbers only
Widget - The widget to use, or the type of data; tons of widgets to choose from via dropdown list and the widget store via Labii ELN & LIMS
Configuration - The configuration of the column. Use it to provide addtional parameters to the column.
Permission - The column's supplementary permission settings can be utilized to offer additional control over its permissions.
Limit Edit Permission to Member(s) Column - Select a Member or Members column. Once selected, only the member from the selected column can edit this column.
Default Value - optional field; used to set the default value of the field
For Boolean field, the default value is 'false' if not provided. Use 1 for 'true' and 0 for 'false';
For Select/MultiSelect field, add one item per line as options. Use '_' to separate the value and label.
For ForeignKey, add the unique code of the table to match. Use ',' to separate multiple matches. If not provided, it will match everything.
For Date, use YYYY-MM-DD.
Is Required - optional; if checked, the value of the column is required in form submitting
Should Hide In Form View - If selected, the column will not be visible in the form view but will remain accessible in the detail view. Utilize this option to manage column visibility in the form view.
Should Hide In List View - If enabled, the column will not be shown in the list view but will remain accessible in the detail view. Employ this feature to regulate the display of columns in the list view.
Should Disable Copying - If checked, the column data will not be available for copying.
Max Width - The maximum width of the column in pixels. You can use it to limit the width of certain columns.
Add Metadata - Can add metadata by providing the label and value properties
Is Archived - Ability to archive this particular column and will not be available to use if marked true.
Date Created - Automatically captured in the background of Labii ELN & LIMS in real-time
Add column
A column is a set of data values of a particularly simple type, one for each row of the table.
Note: only administrators within an organization can "add a new column."
A new column can be added in the columns list view
Navigate to the columns list view (see above)
Click the "+" icon on the top of the navbar or click the "add column" from the sidebar
Here are the fields to fill out on the “Add Column” form:
Name - required field, letters only for the name of a new column
Description - optional field; provide a description of the column and all other necessary information to help others in the same organization to fill out.
Widget - The widget to use, or the type of data. Default to Text. Check out Settings -> Widgets to install missing widgets. Check out here for a list of widgets
Configuration - The configuration for the widget. The configuration is different for different widgets, please check here for the details. If a JSON is provided, use python JSON format.
Default Value - optional field; used to set the default value of the field
For the Boolean field, the default value is 'false' if not provided. Use 1 for 'true' and 0 for 'false';
For the Select/MultiSelect field, add one item per line as an option. Use '__' to separate the value and label.
For ForeignKey, add the unique code of the table to match. Use ',' to separate multiple matches. If not provided, it will match everything. For example, use “EP” to only match experiments.
For Date, use YYYY-MM-DD.
Order - required field; the order to display the column, numbers only
Is Required - optional; if checked, the value of the column is required in form submitting
Is Hidden - optional; if checked, the column will not display in the list view but will be available for use.
Click submit once finished with all required and optional fields
Add column from a template
Labii provides pre-built table templates to simplify the configuration process. These templates are continuously refined and improved over time. If a new column becomes available in a template and you’d like to add it effortlessly, you can use the “Add Column from a Template” feature. Here’s how:
Click the Add Column dropdown menu.
Select Add from a Template.
Choose the desired column from the list.
Import columns
Multiple columns can be created simultaneously using Import. You can do this by clicking Import in the column list view.
Export columns
You can export a list of columns by clicking Export button and select one option from the dropdown.
Last updated