Process Management

Labii's process management widgets


Process management refers to the systematic control and coordination of multiple steps within a pipeline to automate and streamline complex workflows. This involves the organization, execution, and monitoring of various tasks, ensuring they are carried out in a predetermined sequence with efficiency and precision. Process management systems can allocate resources, handle dependencies, track progress, and even handle exceptions, enabling the automation of intricate processes. By efficiently managing processes, organizations can enhance productivity, reduce errors, and ensure the seamless execution of multifaceted workflows, ultimately improving overall operational efficiency.


In Labii, a process is broken down into multiple steps, with each step being linked to one or more actions to be executed for that specific stage. Labii offers two widgets designed to facilitate process management:

  1. Flowchart Widget: This widget presents the process in a graphical format, allowing for a visual representation.

  2. Steps Widget: The Steps widget aids in tracking project or task progression by subdividing them into distinct steps for easier management.

Action fields

A single action within a process step is presented as a clickable button. Below are the fields Labii has designed to define this button:

  • Name - The name of the action. The name will be display as a button in step.

  • Icon - The icon of the action.

  • Action - See detail below.

  • Parameters

  • Should complete after click - If checked, this action will mark the current step as completed.


The actions represent the tasks that the step must carry out. Please refer to the following list for the actions currently supported by Labii.


The "Pass" action will mark a step as complete without requiring any further actions. Employ this action when a step can be automatically finalized. Typically, it is assigned to the initial step of the process.

The "Open Link" action serves the purpose of launching a predetermined URL. Utilize this action to direct users to perform specific tasks within Labii without having to leave the process page, thus reducing the number of clicks.

Open in current tab vs open in new tab

Certain links can be opened within the current tab, while others may require opening in a new tab. You can tailor this action by either excluding or specifying domain names in a URL. Refer to the examples below for further clarity.

  • Open in current tab: /form/tables/experiments/0/

  • Open in new tab:

Define the next page to load in the URL

You can append the "next" parameter to the URL to redirect the page after the form submission. If the "next" parameter is not supplied, the action will return to the current page by default.

# the below example will open the form to add samples after the experiment form is submitted.

Form URL with predefined data

Certain form fields can be prepopulated to minimize the need for manual data entry. To simplify the process of generating these URLs, Labii provides such links in the documentation panel while you're actively inputting data into a form.

Form URL to support automatic submission

In certain forms, all the necessary values are already supplied through predefined data within the URL. Users have the option to streamline the form submission process further by enabling automatic submission. In other words, when the form link is opened, it will be automatically submitted.

Additionally, you can also copy the link containing data and the automatic submission setting directly from the documentation panel.


To ensure that a single action button can be universally applied once it's configured, Labii has introduced variables that can be dynamically replaced in real-time. For instance, {{PROJECTS}} will be substituted with the projects currently in use. For additional information, please refer to the Variables section below.

Here are some typical use cases for this action:

  • Add record - Use the Add form to prepare the link

  • Import - Use the Import form to prepare the link

  • Print / Download - Use the Print page to prepare the link

  • Send email - Use the Email Template widget to prepare the link

  • Send notifications - Use the Email Template widget to prepare the link

Open Section

The "Open Section" action allows users to efficiently access and update data within a specific section without navigating to a new page, preserving context, and minimizing distractions. The modal dialog's temporary overlay provides a clear and focused editing environment, ensuring consistency in the user interface design and enabling quick, intuitive access to section-specific content, making it particularly valuable for enhancing productivity in content-heavy applications.

To use this action, please provide either the name of the section or specify the order in which the section appears.

Goto Section

The "Goto Section" action allows users to quickly scroll to a specific section within the content, making it particularly useful for tasks that involve repeated updates or references to a particular part of the document. Instead of manually scrolling or searching through a lengthy document, users can simply invoke the "Goto Section" action, which efficiently directs them to their desired section, improving both productivity and user experience. This action is especially valuable when dealing with tasks that require frequent updates and access to specific sections, reducing the time and effort needed to navigate through the content.

To use this action, please provide either the name of the section or specify the order in which the section appears.

Execute Workflow

The "Execute Workflow" action is a powerful feature in workflow automation systems that enables the initiation and orchestration of a predefined sequence of tasks or actions. By invoking this action, users can trigger the execution of a workflow, automating complex processes seamlessly. This capability is invaluable in streamlining operations, ensuring consistency, and reducing manual effort. Whether used in business process automation, data handling, or various other applications, the "Execute Workflow" action offers a centralized and efficient means of managing and automating intricate procedures, thereby enhancing productivity and maintaining workflow consistency.


The "Test" action is a convenient functionality often used to verify the triggering of actions. When this action is executed, it generates a test message, commonly displayed as a toast notification, to confirm that the action has been initiated successfully. This simple but effective tool allows developers and users to ensure that specific triggers and functionality within an step are working as intended, aiding in the testing and debugging process by providing immediate feedback regarding the execution of actions, ultimately contributing to a more robust and reliable software environment.

Last updated