
Showcasing columnar data within records


The Labii Columns Widget offers a versatile solution for showcasing columnar data within records, providing various display methods tailored to diverse needs. Ideal for presenting summary information or generating comprehensive reports, this widget efficiently organizes and visualizes data across multiple columns, enhancing data interpretation and analysis. Its flexible design allows users to customize the display format to suit specific requirements, offering a seamless experience for users seeking to efficiently navigate and comprehend complex datasets within their workflow.

Use cases

  • Display stock information.

  • Display account information for reporting


To ensure optimal functionality and achieve the desired data format, kindly adjust the settings according to your preferences for the widget.

  • Record - Choose a record to display as the source. If no specific record or column is designated, the current record will be utilized. If both a record and a column are specified, the value from the record will be utilized.

  • Version - The version of the record: Select a version to freeze the data for display. If no version is selected, the newest version will be used. When the record is signed, if no version is selected, the newest version will be assigned.

  • Column - Choose a column to display as the source. The selected column must utilize the ForeignKey widget. If no specific record or column is designated, the current record will be utilized. If both a record and a column are specified, the value from the record will be utilized.

  • Fields - Choose one or more fields for display.

  • Display - How do you want to display column data?

  • Density - The display density.

  • Should minimize header - Minimize the font size of header.


  1. To display the data of the current record: Set record = null, version = null, column = null.

  2. To display the data of a particular version: Set record = value, version = value, column = null.

  3. To display the data from a column: Set record = null, version = null, column = value.


The widget interface showcases both the columns and values associated with the selected record. Depending on the specific interface settings chosen, the displayed data will vary accordingly.

Display = Table

The "Table Display" mirrors the data arrangement and column groupings found in the "Columns" tab.

Display = 1 column

The "1 Column Display" format displays data in a single column, positioning the label on the left and its corresponding value on the right.

Display = 2 columns

The "2 Columns Display" feature arranges data across two columns.

Display = 3 columns

The "3 Columns Display" feature arranges data across three columns.

Display = 4 columns

The "4 Columns Display" feature arranges data across four columns.

Density = Compact

The "Compact Density" setting decreases line height, resulting in a denser display of data.

Minimize Header = True

When the "Minimize Header" option is enabled, column headers will appear at the top in a reduced font size.

Last updated