Open Signature
Enables users to provide signatures for Labii records
0.3.0 (updated on 2025-02-07)
Labii Inc.
Support Configuration
Support Readonly view
Support Edit view
Support Form view
Support Default value
Support Import
Allow multiple
Labii’s Open Signature Widget enables users to provide signatures for Labii records seamlessly, even without a Labii account, offering a streamlined solution akin to DocuSign. This innovative tool allows individuals to electronically sign documents or records directly within Labii’s platform, enhancing collaboration and document validation. With features like secure access, user-friendly interfaces, and real-time updates, the Open Signature Widget ensures signatures are legally binding and easily integrated into workflows, making it an ideal choice for businesses seeking efficient, account-free signature functionalities.
Use case
Use this widget to for customer to accept the quote.
The widget will function without additional setup. However, user can configure it to send out email notifications when the field is signed.
Email subject - If provided, a notification with the provided email subject will be send.
Email body - If provided, a notification with the provided email body will be send.
See the interface of the widget in the following views.
Readonly view
Readonly view display the signature of the user.
Before signed:

Before signed at the share view:

After signed:

Edit view
The Edit view is the interface that allows you to modify the value.

Form view
The Form view is the field integrated into the add form for collecting values when creating a new record.
The form view is the same as the Edit view.
Each widget in Labii stores data in a unique manner; refer below to understand how data from this widget is stored.
Data format
Default value
The Default Value field within the column allows you to specify the default value when a record is created.
Default value shall be the JSON object with keys of name, title, company.
Import value
The Import Value is the value you need to include in your Excel table for it to be imported into Labii.
Import value shall be the JSON object with keys of name, title, company.
Last updated