Email Template

Simplify email composition and distribution by saving predefined email content as reusable templates


The Email Template widget is a versatile tool designed to simplify email composition and distribution by saving predefined email content as reusable templates. This widget allows users to create templates with customizable fields, including "to," "cc," "bcc," "subject," and "body," enabling quick and convenient personalization for different recipients and purposes.

Use case

  • send payment reminder email to customers in CRM


The configuration page enables users to define all necessary fields for email setup. This comprehensive setup includes fields for sender information, recipient details, subject lines, and body content. All fields support Labii variables, giving users the flexibility to automate certain data entries by dynamically replacing fields with predefined values.

  • To: The primary recipient(s) of the email, who are addressed directly.

  • CC: Carbon Copy; recipients here receive a copy of the email, and all other recipients can see who has been included.

  • BCC: Blind Carbon Copy; recipients here receive a copy of the email but are hidden from other recipients.

  • Subject: A brief summary of the email's topic, displayed in the recipient's inbox.

  • Body: The main content of the email, which includes the message being sent.


The widget displays each field of an email template in a table. The table contains the field name in the first column and the corresponding content in the second column. Additionally, it provides action buttons that allow the user to send the email directly or to copy the email link for further use. The interface is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that all functional elements are clearly visible and accessible, allowing for efficient email management.

The widget will automatically display the content of the specified variable, ensuring that the relevant data is presented clearly and in real-time. This feature enhances user interaction by dynamically updating the displayed information based on the current state of the variable, thus providing a seamless and efficient experience.

Email Service Options

The widget provides flexible email service options to cater to your specific needs. You can choose from three different types of email services to send emails:

  • Gmail: Send emails directly with Gmail, one of the most popular email services in the world. With this option, you can leverage Gmail's reliable infrastructure and features to send emails to your recipients.

  • Email: Use your default email software to send emails. This option allows you to utilize your preferred email client, whether it's Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, or Apple Mail, to send emails from the widget.

  • Notification: Send emails through Labii's notification center. This option enables you to send emails via Labii's built-in notification system, providing a seamless and integrated experience for your email needs.

These three options provide you with the flexibility to choose the email service that best suits your requirements, ensuring that your emails are sent efficiently and effectively.

Email Actions

To further enhance your email experience, we provide three email actions for each of the three email services (Gmail, Email, and Notification). These actions give you more control and flexibility when working with emails:

  • Send Email: This action allows you to send the email directly using the chosen email service. With just a click, your email will be delivered to the recipient's inbox, leveraging the reliability and features of the selected email service.

  • Copy Link: This action enables you to copy the link of the current email. The copied link can be used to build flowchart actions, allowing you to create complex workflows and automations with ease. By copying the link, you can reference the email in other parts of your workflow, making it easier to manage and track your emails.

  • Copy Link with Variables: This action takes the copy link feature to the next level by allowing you to copy the link of the current email with variables. By including variables in the link, you can dynamically populate the email content with relevant data, making it easier to personalize and customize your emails. This feature is particularly useful when building complex workflows that require conditional logic and dynamic data.

These three email actions provide a powerful combination of features that enable you to work efficiently with emails, whether you're sending them, referencing them in workflows, or customizing their content with variables. By providing these actions for each email service, we give you the flexibility to choose the best approach for your specific needs.

Last updated