Record Summary By Users

The "Record Summary By Users" dashboard widget provides a valuable insight into user activity and contribution, displaying a clear and intuitive breakdown of record counts by user.


The "Record Summary By Users" dashboard widget from Labii provides a valuable insight into user activity and contribution, displaying a clear and intuitive breakdown of record counts by user. This widget offers a user-level view of record creation, enabling administrators, managers, and team leaders to track and compare the productivity and performance of individual team members, identify top performers, and provide targeted support and training to enhance overall team efficiency and effectiveness. With its interactive and customizable design, the "Record Summary By Users" widget is an essential tool for optimizing workflows, managing teams, and making data-driven decisions.

Use case

  • Tracking team members' productivity and performance, monitoring user activity


This widget works without any configuration. However, you can customize which tables to include and utilize filters to further limit the source data.

  • Table - Select a table to update the filter dropdown.

  • Filter - You can specify a filter to limit the results. The default setting will use the complete data set if the filter is not specified.


The widget visually represents the number of records for each user through a pie chart. However, users have the flexibility to switch the chart to other types, such as bar charts, line charts, or others available in the system. By clicking on the Download button, users can easily download the original dataset used to generate these charts. The functionality is designed to provide an intuitive and flexible user experience while facilitating data analysis and reporting.

Last updated