
How to use Labii ELN & LIMS


An application is a collection of tables created in Labii for domain-specific data management. The application can be an Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) to manage experiment entries or a LIMS to manage workflows. Group a set of tables using the application. Your grouped tables will be organized in the dashboard and side menu.

Relationship between Applications, Tables, Columns, Sections, Widgets, Records

  1. You can create multiple Applications in your Labii account.

  2. Each Application can have one or more Tables.

  3. Each Table can contain an unlimited number of Records.

  4. The data of a Record can be divided into Structured and Unstructured data.

  5. Structured data is managed via Columns. The data of columns is displayed and modified using Columns widgets.

  6. Unstructured data is managed with Sections. A Section widget displays and modifies data for a section.

List of applications

You can manage a list of applications by clicking Settings at the side menu and then select Applications.

Search applications

You can search applications by typing a keyword into the search bar in the application list view, and then clicking Search. The search results can always be cleared by clicking the Clear button.

Filter applications

With the Filter function, you can limit the number of teams displayed. You can do that by clicking Active applications and then selecting a filter from the dropdown. Here are a list of filters:

  • All applications. Filter to display all applications.

  • Active applications. Filter to display the active applications.

  • Archived applications. Filter to display the archived applications.

Application detail

Click an application name to view the detail of the application.

Application fields

Here is the list of fields for a particular application:

  • sid - The SID of the application. Automatically generated by Labii. This ID cannot be changed once it has been created.

  • name (required) - The name of the application.

  • description - The description of the application.

  • icon (required) - Application icon.

  • order - The order to display the application

  • tables - List of tables to be grouped under the application.

  • is_archived - If checked, the application is not available to use.

Add application

You can add a new application or choose an application from a predefined template.

Add an new application

Adding a new application will allow you to group a series of tables. To do that:

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Applications

  2. Click "+ Application" in the nav bar, then select "+ Application" from the dropdown

  3. You will be redirected to a new form,

    1. Fill in the name and description

    2. Add an icon to the application. The full list of icons can be found at

    3. Choose one or more tables

    4. To submit, click Submit

Add from a template

To make it easier for others to set up, we created pre-defined applications based on the common usage across our users.

To do that:

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Applications

  2. Click "+ Application" in the nav bar, then select "+ From a template" from the dropdown

  3. You will be presented with a list of uninstalled applications. If there are no applications on this page, you have already installed all Labii's preconfigured applications.

  4. Choose one application to install. If clicked, it will install 1) the application, 2) the tables related to the application, 3) the columns, sections, and filters related to the tables.

Import applications

Multiple applications can be created simultaneously using Import. You can do this by clicking Import in the team list view.

Export applications

You can export a list of applications by clicking Export button and select one option from the dropdown.

Delete application

In the application list view, an application can be deleted by clicking the Delete icon next to it.

Pre-defined applications

Currently, these applications are supported:

  1. Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) - Use Labii as an Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) to document research, experiments, and procedures performed in a laboratory. Electronic lab notebooks are intended to replace paper lab notebooks. It is best for research and development.

  2. Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) for Production - Use Labii as an Electronic Lab Notebook to document your experiments, procedures by following those same steps and standardizing patterns. All experiments are broken into many standard parts and users simply need to fill out the relevant information for each section. It is best suited for production notes or for users who are highly organized.

  3. Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) for ELISA Data Analysis - Use Labii as an Electronic Lab Notebook to document the ELISA experiments. Special widgets are designed to capture ELISA layouts and data, and to analyze ELISA standard curves and dose-responsive curves (DRCs).

  4. Inventory Management - Use Labii as Inventory Management to track and manage your entire inventories, including samples, reagents, equipment, vendors, and storage.

  5. LIMS for Sample Testing - Use Labii as LIMS to manage the workflow associated with sample testing. With it, you can collect samples, conduct sample testing, document the results, conduct quality control, and generate reports.

  6. LIMS for Molecular Cloning - Use Labii as LIMS to manage the molecular cloning workflow. The application allows for the preparation of the vector, insertion, ligation, transformation, and screening of the colony.

  7. LIMS for Sequencing - Use Labii as LIMS to manage the sequencing process. By using it, you can track information about extracting DNA/RNA from biospecimens, preparing libraries from the extracts, and sequencing and generating Fastq files.

  8. LIMS for CRISPR Gene Editing - Use Labii as LIMS to manage gene editing workflows. You can track and manage the plasmids, vectors, sgRNAs, etc.

  9. Chemical Registration - Use Labii as Chemical Registration to manage and register chemicals and ensure every compound you work with is identified uniquely.

  10. Project Management - Use Labii as a Project Management tool to keep track of your scientific research tasks, goals, and projects.

  11. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - Use Labii as a CRM to track research projects, tasks, samples, and experiments with customers. It is most suitable for CROs (Contract Research Organizations).

  12. Reference Management - Use Labii as a Reference Management to to manage a list of scientific papers. Data from NCBI Pubmed can be downloaded and synced.

  13. Ontology - Use Labii as an Ontology tool to manage ontologies and OWL tree. Other tables can also use the ontology terms to control the vocabulary.

Last updated