Create a copy of all your records.
Last updated
Create a copy of all your records.
Last updated
A backup is a copy of all your records and uploaded files. It can be downloaded and stored in an alternative location so it can be recovered if it is deleted or corrupted.
It is recommended that you delete the backup after it has been downloaded. If the backup is not deleted, you will have to pay for the storage of the backup.
A backup is not free, as this method requires additional computing power to process your documents and zip them for downloading. Prices will be provided at the time of backup creation.
The list of backups can be managed by clicking Settings on the side menu and then clicking Backups.
You can search a backup by typing a keyword into the search bar in the backup list view, and then clicking Search. The search results can always be cleared by clicking the Clear button.
With the Filter function, you can limit the number of backups displayed. You can do that by clicking All backups and then selecting a filter from the dropdown. Here are a list of filters:
All backups. Filter to display all backups.
Backups completed. Filter to display the backups that is completed.
Backups in progress. Filter to display the backups that is in progress.
Backups with errors. Filter to display the backups that with errors.
The details of a backup can be viewed by clicking its name. You can download the backup from the detail view.
A backup typically has these columns:
Sid - the id of the backup
Name - name of the backup
Description - the description of the backup
Status - the status of the backup.
Completed, the backup is successfully completed and ready to be downloaded
In Progress, a Labii job is preparing the backup
Error, the backup job has encounter an error.
Versions - number of versions to be backup
Files - number of files to be backup
File Size - the size of the backup
File Path - download the backup
Date Expired - the date to delete the backup
Date Created - the create date of the backup
A backup can be created by the administrator. To do that:
Click the Settings at the side menu, and then select Backups
Click the "+ Add Backup" button
A form will be displayed. The form shows how much it will cost to create this backup. Please make sure your account have enough credits to perform the action.
Provide name and description of the backup
Click Submit button
If successful, you will receive an email notification. Depending on the size of the backup file, it may take minutes or hours to complete.
Open the link in your email and click the Download button to access the backup.
Delete backup at the list view
To delete a backup, go to the list view of backup and then click the Delete icon.
Delete backup at the detail view
Open a backup and then click Delete button.
Upon unzipping the backup, you will see the following file structure:
The backup contains a list of files and version files in JSON. They are named as:
Files: [UID]: [File name]
Version: [SID]_[Version]
Use the export function to match the files and versions with each record.