
Labii credits


Labii credits can be utilized to purchase different Labii products, including paying invoices and availing PPU services, among others. Labii's credit system provides users and organizations with visibility into any credits that have been applied to their account, with each credit representing one US dollar.

List of credits

The list of credits can be managed by clicking Settings on the side menu and then clicking Credits. It displays list of credits you added to the platform.

Search credits

You can search a credit by typing a keyword into the search bar in the credit list view, and then clicking Search. The search results can always be cleared by clicking the Clear button.

Filter credits

With the Filter function, you can limit the number of credits displayed. You can do that by clicking Active credits and then selecting a filter from the dropdown. Here are a list of filters:

  • All credits. Filter to display all credit records.

  • Active credits. Filter to display the credit records that is active.

  • Archived credits. Filter to display the credit records that is archived

  • Paid credits. Filter to display paid credit records

  • Unpaid credits. Filter to display unpaid credit records

Credit detail

The details of a credit can be viewed by clicking its name.

A credit typically has these columns:

  • Sid - the id of the backup

  • Name - name of the backup

  • Description - the description of the backup

  • Credits - The amount of credits.

  • Purchase Order

  • Invoice

  • Is Paid

Add credits

Credits can be added by the administrator. To do that:

  1. Click the Settings at the side menu, and then select Credits

  2. Click the "+ Add Credit" button

  3. A form will be displayed.

  4. Provide Purchase Order number. Leave it empty if no purchase order.

  5. Provide the number of Credits to add.

  6. Click Submit button

Clicking the Submit button will take you to the payment page. You will be guided back to Labii once the payment information is provided.

Last updated