API Keys

API Key is a code or token that is used to authenticate and control access to an API


An API Key, short for Application Programming Interface Key, is a code or token that is used to authenticate and control access to an Application Programming Interface (API). APIs are sets of rules and protocols that allow different software applications to communicate and interact with each other. They enable developers to access certain functionalities or data from a service or platform without needing to understand the underlying technical details.

API keys serve as a form of security mechanism and access control for APIs. They help the API provider ensure that only authorized users or applications can use their API, preventing unauthorized access and potential abuse. Here's an overview of how API keys work:

  1. Generation: When a developer or user wants to use an API, they typically need to obtain an API key from the API provider. This is usually done by registering for an account on the provider's platform and creating an API key through the developer console.

  2. Authentication: The API key is included in the request headers, query parameters, or some other designated location when making API calls. When the API receives a request, it checks the provided API key to verify the identity of the caller.

  3. Authorization: In addition to authentication, API keys can also be used to control the level of access granted to the user or application. Different API keys might have different levels of permissions, allowing some to access only certain parts of the API or perform specific actions.

  4. Usage Tracking: API keys can be associated with usage limits, which control the number of requests a user or application can make within a specified timeframe. This prevents a single user from overloading the API and helps maintain its performance and availability for all users.

  5. Security: While API keys are a convenient way to manage access, they do come with security considerations. If an API key is compromised, unauthorized parties could gain access to the API and potentially misuse it. Therefore, developers and API providers need to implement security measures, such as encryption, rate limiting, and regular key rotation, to mitigate these risks.

  6. Best Practices: To ensure the security and proper usage of API keys, developers should follow best practices such as:

    • Keep API keys confidential and avoid hardcoding them in public code repositories.

    • Implement HTTPS for secure communication.

    • Use strong and unique API keys for different applications.

    • Regularly review and audit API key usage to identify any anomalies.

List of API Keys

The list of API Keys can be managed by clicking Settings on the side menu and then clicking API Keys. It displays list of API Keys you created.

Search API Keys

You can search a credit by typing a keyword into the search bar in the API Keys list view, and then clicking Search. The search results can always be cleared by clicking the Clear button.

API Key detail

The details of a API Key can be viewed by clicking its name.

A API Key typically has these columns:

  • Sid - the id of the API Key

  • Name - name of the API Key

  • Description - the description of the API Key

  • Prefix - the prefix of the key

  • Created - the date created

  • Expiry Date - the date to expire the API Key

Add API Key

API Key can be added by any one. User can only add their own API Keys. To do that:

  1. Click the Settings at the side menu, and then select API Keys

  2. Click the "+ Add API Key" button

  3. A form will be displayed.

  4. Provide the Name of the provider.

  5. Provide Expiry Date.

  6. Click Submit button

Clicking the Submit button will take you to the key page. Please copy and save the API Key in a secure place. The Key will not be display again.

Last updated