
Certifications validate users' abilities to perform specific tasks, granting authorization for designated workflows; without them, users may be restricted from undertaking certain actions.


Certification management encompasses the systematic administration and oversight of certifications that validate users' proficiency in performing specific tasks or roles, thereby authorizing them to engage in designated workflows or activities. It involves the establishment of criteria for certification, the assessment of candidates' competencies against these criteria, and the issuance and maintenance of certification credentials. Effective certification management ensures that individuals possess the requisite skills and knowledge to undertake tasks within their designated roles, enhancing organizational efficiency and minimizing the risk of errors or unauthorized actions.

General operations

Coming soon...

How to generate certifications

This documentation serves as a guide on how to generate certifications using Labii's training management application. Certifications are crucial for validating individuals' skills and expertise in specific areas, and Labii offers a streamlined process to manage and issue certifications based on completed trainings.

Before generating certifications, make sure you have access to Labii's training management application. If not installed, contact your Labii administrator to install it.

Adding a New Training

To initiate the certification process, it's necessary to first add a new training record. Follow the steps below to add a new training:

  1. Navigate to Training Management: Log in to Labii's platform and access the Training Management module.

  2. Add New Training Record:

    • Click on the option to add a new training record.

    • Fill in the required details, including the protocol to be trained and the trainees' information.

    • Save the record.

Generating Certifications

Once the trainees have successfully completed the required training(s), administrators can proceed to generate certifications. Follow the steps below to generate certifications:

  1. Access Certification Settings:

    • Navigate to the settings section within Labii's platform.

    • Locate the Certifications option.

  2. Add Certification:

    • Click on the "Add Certification" option.

    • Fill in the necessary details for the certification, such as name, description, date initiated, date expired.

    • Save the certification.

How to limit certifications for table operations

In Labii, administrators have the capability to restrict operations on specific certifications for enhanced control over data management. This feature ensures that only users with the necessary certifications can perform certain actions on designated records within a table. Below are the steps to limit certifications for table operations:

  1. Access Table Settings: Begin by navigating to the settings of the table where you wish to enforce certification restrictions. This can typically be done through Settings -> Tables -> Select a table.

  2. Update "Required Certifications" Field: Within the table settings, locate the field labeled "Required Certifications." Here, you can specify the certifications that users must possess in order to perform operations such as adding new records or modifying existing ones. If multiple certifications are necessary for a particular operation, simply list them separated by commas.

    For example, if a user needs both "Data Entry" and "Quality Control" certifications to make changes, you would enter: "Data Entry, Quality Control".

  3. Save Changes: Once you have entered the required certifications, save the changes to apply the restrictions.

Upon configuration, Labii will automatically verify whether users attempting to add new records or modify existing ones possess the necessary certifications. If a user lacks the required certification(s), they will be unable to proceed with the requested action, thereby ensuring data integrity and compliance with organizational standards.

By leveraging this feature, administrators can enforce stringent controls over data manipulation, mitigating the risk of unauthorized or erroneous modifications while maintaining regulatory compliance and data quality standards.

Last updated