
A centralized hub for administrators to customize and manage their account's configuration.


The organization settings offer a centralized hub for administrators to customize and manage their team's configuration. Here, you can brand your organization with a custom logo, color scheme, and name. Manage your subscription plan and track your quota to ensure you're getting the most out of our services. Configure permission settings to control user access and roles. Strengthen your security with security settings like two-factor authentication and SSO integration. Choose your preferred language and update other metadata such as your organization's description and contact information. Finally, you can close your account if needed, making it easy to manage your organization's lifecycle.

To access organization settings, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Settings in the side menu.

  2. Click on the Organization item.

Note: This option is only available to administrators.


You can customize the UI of your account with the following configurations:

  • Language - Preferred language for your organization.

  • Logo Icon - A logo in round or square shape that represents your business.

  • Logo Wordmark - Logo with the written name of an organization in a rectangular shape. The logo wordmark will appear on the side menu and header of print pages.

  • Navbar Background Color

  • Navbar Text Color

  • Print Headers - Customize the header of the print page. Use HTML code for formatting.

Subscription plan

  • Plan - Subscription plan type

  • Credits - Amount of credits on the account in US Dollar

  • Is Academic - Indicates if the account belongs to an academic institution


  • User Quota - The amount of users that can be added to your organization

  • Project Quota - The amount of projects that can be added to your organization

  • Table Quota - The amount of tables that can be added to your organization

Permission settings

Permission Structure

  • Top-down permission gives control over everyone's permissions to the administrator.

  • Bottom-up permission allows each user to control the permissions of the folder they created.

Security settings

  • Enable Antivirus Scan - If enabled, an antivirus scan will be performed during the uploading process, and this can lead to a delay of around 20 seconds during the uploading process.

  • Enable Password Expiration - If enabled, users' passwords will expire every specific number of days according to the password_expiration_days configuration.

  • Password Expiration Days - Number of days to expire password. Needs to be between 1 and 1095 days.

Close Account

The account at Labii can be soft-close (keep a copy of your data) or hard-close (all of your data will be deleted). To avoid any illegal data deletion, users have to contact or to close the account, certified documents might be required.

Last updated