

OneLogin provides a cloud-based identity and access management (IAM) solution that offers simple single sign-on (SSO), making it easier for companies to secure and manage access to web applications.

Setup Labii SSO with OneLogin

To use OneLogin as your SAML IdP to connect with Labii:

  1. Register an account with OneLogin.

  2. Create an App at Apps -> SCIM Provisioner with SAML (SCIM v2 Core).

  3. On the Info page, set the Display Name as Labii.

  4. On the Configuration page:

    1. Copy the Acs url from Labii to SAML Audience URL, SAML Consumer URL.

    2. Copy SCIM Base URL from Labii to SCIM Base URL

    3. Copy SCIM Bearer Token from Labii to SCIM Bearer Token

    4. Enable the API Status

  5. On the Parameters page, add the parameters of email, first_name, last_name, username as following parameters. Please check Include in SAML assertion

    email -> Email first_name -> First Name last_name -> Last Name username -> Email

  6. On the SSO page, do the following copy and paste:

    1. Issue URL -> Metadata auto conf url

    2. SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP) -> Idp login url

    3. SLO Endpoint (HTTP) -> Idp logout url

  7. On the Provisioning page, check Enable provisioning

  8. Go to the Users tab, Click Applications, and assign the user to the newly created App.

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