
Labii ELN & LIMS allows users to create filters for any table within the platform.


A filter is a set of limitations to the table fields for allowing users to restrict display results by building one or more queries. Labii ELN & LIMS allows users to create filters for any table within the platform.

List of filters

Each table has its own filters. Open a table and click the Filters tab to view the list of filters.

There are 3 ways to access filters for a particular table:

From record list view:

  • Click “filters” from sidebar to the left or the navbar to the top

  • Select “My xxx Filters” or “All xxx Filters”

From settings:

  • Select Settings

  • Select Tables

  • Click Filters tab

Search filters

You can search filters by typing a keyword into the search bar in the filters list view, and then clicking Search. The search results can always be cleared by clicking the Clear button.

Filter filters

With the Filter function, you can limit the number of sections displayed. You can do that by clicking Active filters and then selecting a filter from the dropdown. Here are a list of filters:

  • All filters. Filter to display all filters of the table.

  • Active filters. Filter to display the active filters.

  • Archived filters. Filter to display the archived filters.

  • My filters. Filter to display a list filters assigned to you.

Filter detail

Click a filter name to see full detail of a filter.

Filter fields:

  • Name - The name of the filter

  • Description - Provide a description of the filter and all other necessary information to help others in the same organization understand what this filter is for

  • Show in Menu - Default is set to true and it will be shown on the menu. Mark false to hide a particular filter from the menu.

  • Is Archived - Ability to archive this particular filter and will not be available to use if marked true

  • Date Updated/Created - Automatically captured in the background of Labii ELN & LIMS in real-time when changes are made by members within an organization

  • Query

    • Query - Query is in JSON format and use an array for OR operator

    • Query Exclude - Query in JSON format to be excluded.

  • Permissions

    • Owners - Owners eligible to modify and utilize this filter. The author's name will be automatically appended.

    • Teams - The teams permitted to utilize this filter. Team members are unable to modify the filter.

  • Notifications

    • Digest Frequency - How often do users want to receive the digest email for the filter; The default is set to weekly but can change it to none, daily, monthly, or annually.

    • ICS - The ICS link to sync with your calendar.

Add filters

There are many methods to add filters:

  1. Add filter from the search results:

    1. Open record list view

    2. Click Search Bar -> Advanced Search

    3. Fill in the search queries

    4. Click "Save as filter" button

  2. Add filter from list view

    1. Open record list view of a table

    2. Click filter dropdown

    3. Choose Add filter option

  3. Add filter from settings

    1. Click Settings -> Tables

    2. Click Filters tab

    3. Click "Add Filter"

Enhancing Results by Merging Multiple Filters

Labii allows you to combine results from multiple filters. To do this, create a filter and update the query with the following keys and values:

  • To use "OR" logic for filters, use the key filter__sid__in. Example: {"filter__sid__in": "xxx,xxx,xxx"}

  • To use "AND" logic for filters, use the key filter__sid. Example: {"filter__sid": "xxx,xxx,xxx"}

Import filters

Multiple filters can be created simultaneously using Import. You can do this by clicking Import in the section list view.

Export filters

You can export a list of filters by clicking Export button and select one option from the dropdown.

Delete filter

In the filters list view, a filter can be deleted by clicking the Delete icon next to it.

Sent notifications

When you define the "Digest Frequency" on a filter, you will be able to receive notifications for the results of the filter.


  1. Identify and retrieve rows that are missing a specific column's data.

    1. query: null

    2. query_exclude: {"cell__column__sid": "xxx"}

Last updated