
Efficient management and distribution of notifications related to a record


The Notifications widget represents an upgraded version of the Emails widget, specifically tailored for efficient management and distribution of notifications related to a record. Its primary purpose is to facilitate seamless communication among team members through sending and receiving notifications via email. The widget serves as a powerful tool for staying informed and updated on various aspects of a project or process.

Using the Notifications widget, team members can easily send important notifications to relevant parties, including leads and customers. This feature ensures smooth and timely communication, enhancing collaboration and fostering stronger relationships with clients.

Use case

  • Schedule the emails to be sent with customers


The widget is pre-configured to operate out-of-the-box without requiring any additional setup. Once installed, it is ready to use immediately, as it does not permit any further adjustments.


The widget has a user interface that features an inbox and a sent items section, each accessible through separate tabs. The inbox tab allows users to view and manage their received messages, while the sent tab provides access to messages they have sent. This design ensures a clear and organized email management experience by segregating incoming and outgoing correspondence into two distinct sections.

Adding Notifications

To add a notification, simply click the "+ Notification" button within the widget interface. By default, the widget will associate the notification with the current record. For more details on the available fields for notification configuration, refer to the Notifications page.


The Inbox tab provides a comprehensive list of received notifications. The displayed information includes the sender's identity, the notification's name, and the date it was received. For a closer look at a specific notification, click on the "Name" link to access its detailed content.


In addition to the Inbox, the Notifications widget also offers a "Sent" tab, granting easy access to all previously sent notifications. This section serves as a sent box, allowing users to keep track of the notifications they have shared.

Deleting Notifications

When necessary, users can remove a notification by clicking the "Delete" icon associated with the respective notification. This action permanently removes the notification from the system.

We recommend exploring the Notifications widget for an enhanced experience in managing and communicating crucial updates seamlessly. For further information on its features and functionalities, please refer to the detailed documentation on the Notifications page.

Last updated