Storage Map

Display map of a storage


With the Storage Map widget, you will be able to view a map of a storage facility with the details of what physical items are stored at which storage coordinates on a map.

Only the Storage table can be used with the widget.


The following are the required configurations at Labii for Storage Map to work properly. You will be able to meet these requirements automatically if you install the Inventory Management application or if you install a table with a Storage template.

  • Tables:

    • storage - the storage table

    • samples, reagents, etc. - other tables that are using storage

  • Columns from storage table

    • parent - the parent storage of the current storage

    • number_of_columns - number of columns in the storage

    • number_of_rows - number of rows in the storage

    • should_transpose_header - This field defines the headers of the storage map.

      • When not checked, column headers are letters and row headers are numbers.

      • When checked, column headers are numbers and row headers are letters. Particularly for well plates, this is a common occurrence.

    • storage_coordinates - the position of the current storage in the parent storage

  • Columns from other tables

    • storage - a ForeignKey to point to the storage table

    • storage_coordinates - the position of the item in the location


In order for the Storage Map to work, please map your storage space into a table with a fixed number of columns and rows. Physical items will be stored in each cell.

In most Excel tables, the column headers are letters and the row headers are numbers. In some well-plates, such as the 96 well-plate, column headers are numbers and row headers are letters. With Labii, you can define the layout based on your requirements. Check should_transpose_header if you want numbers as column headers.


In order for the widget to function properly, a few columns must be provided.

  • Column (Number of rows) - Choose the column (Number of rows) of the storage table.

  • Column (Number of columns) - Choose the column (Number of columns) of the storage table.

  • Column (Should transpose header) - Choose the column (Should transpose header) of the storage table.

  • Should display name - If you would like to include the record name in the map, please check this box

Display stored items

Once the widget has been configured, all the items contained in each cell (other storage, samples, reagents, etc.) will be displayed inside the widget. As each item is clickable, it can be revealed in more detail on a new tab by clicking on it.


Any existing records (samples and reagents) can be assigned to the storage. To do that:

  1. From the Storage Map, click an empty cell/well.

  2. Once clicked, the Assign to XX button will be available to click. Click the button.

  3. Select one or more records to assign from the Pop out window.

  4. Click Submit button.

List view

By clicking the List view button, you can see a list of the items stored in your storage.


The items stored in the storage can be downloaded by clicking the Download button. It is possible to download them either as a map or as a list.

Last updated