
The Labii print function allows users to print all details of a record into a PDF or directly to any printer.


The Labii print function allows users to print all details of a record into a PDF or directly to any printer. Users can configure various print settings before printing, such as hiding specific sections, columns, notes, logos, titles, version information, commit messages, and audit trails, ensuring a customized and comprehensive printed document.

How to use

To print a single record:

  1. In the record detail view, click the "Actions" dropdown.

  2. Select "Print".

To bulk print:

  1. In the record list view, select one or more records.

  2. Click the "Bulk print" dropdown.

  3. Select "Bulk print".

The Print Interface allows you to customize your final print page through an intuitive layout. On the left panel, you will find the print settings where you can configure various options such as hiding sections, headers, title, version, and audit trail. The right panel displays a print preview that dynamically updates to reflect any changes you make in the settings. This setup ensures you can easily visualize and adjust the final output before printing or downloading.

From the left panel, you can configure the final print page. Specially:

  • Should hide header - Check to hide the page header. You can customize the header in the organization settings.

  • Should hide footer - Check to hide the page footer.

  • Should hide version number - Check to hide the version in the title

  • Should hide audit trail - Check to hide the timestamp and user information after each section

  • Hidden sections - Select print sections to hide. You can also click the HIDE button on the right panel.

  • Page breaks - List of sections to add page breaks. The page break will be added after the section.

  • To open the print page directly, click the Print button.

  • To download the final page, click Download.

  • To view the final page, click Submit

  • To save your printing settings, click Save as default. You can apply default settings for individuals or entire organizations. The priority order for settings is: 1) URL query, 2) Personal default, 3) Organization default.

  • Click Insert Page Break button to insert a page break.

  • Click Hide to hide one of the print sections.

Custom Print Header

The header of the print page can be customized at both the organization level and the table level. Update the print_header in the organization settings or table settings. If both are provided, the print_header from the table settings will override the organization settings. If no print_header is provided, the organization's logo will be used. If the logo is not provided, the organization name will be used.

Last updated