Display the structured data of a record
Last updated
Display the structured data of a record
Last updated
The columns view of a record shows the structure data of a record in labels and values. This view is mostly used for inventory management tables.
The Column View can be accessed by simply clicking on the "Columns" tab when a record is opened.
Columns can be grouped into fixed columns and customizable columns with the following groups.
The fixed columns are predefined by Labii and are identical for every record regardless of the table. These include:
SID - static encrypt ID.
UID - unique ID. Syntax: [Unique Code] + [Unique Identify]
Updated by
Date Updated
Date Created.
Use this record as a template
Is template
Archive this record
Is archived
Each table has different customizable columns. A typical experiment table includes the start date, due date, and protocols. These can be added or removed at the table's column settings.
When you use the Subtitle widget, the columns right after will be grouped and displayed separately in both form and columns views.
In the columns view, you can edit the values of editable fields. Editable fields have an "edit" icon on the right.
To edit a column, click the "edit" icon. Different widgets will have different edit interfaces. Click "Submit" to save your changes.
When a record is archived, the "is_archived" filed can still be updated.
When a record is signed and locked, the "projects" field can still be updated.
Each record can have its own specific metadata. You can add/edit/delete metadata at the metadata columns.
Metadata can also be managed with the Metadata widget.
To copy the value of a column, click the copy icon next to a value.